10 self-reflection journal prompts to ask yourself every month

The ending of a month provides us with a great reminder to clear some space. Pause. & really check in with ourselves.    

These check-ins are great to help us notice what is and isn’t working. Be more intentional about what we give energy to and help us welcome in more space for play, joy and peace. 

If you’re not sure where to start or you need some journaling prompts here are 10 self-reflection questions to ask yourself every month. 

Settle down and move through the questions in the way that best suits you.  Freewriting, drawings or you could collage your responses. 

Recently I’ve found list journaling (responding to prompts with bullet point replies) has really helped me when;   

The blank page feels too intimidating/ confronting.

  • My brain feels too foggy to properly catch words on a page 

  • I’m short on time. 

Create your own ritual around this self-care practice and make it a lovely experience that you look forward to doing each month.   I begin by applying an essential oil aromatherapy blend to my pulse points, to help clear my mind. Then I light some candles, the flame can provide a great focal point to slow a racing mind and hit play on this playlist.

10 Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

1. What’s working now?

We spend so much time looking back or trying to rush forward to catch that next great win. But what about taking a moment to stand still and meet ourselves in the here and now.

2. How do you feel about your relationship with yourself this month?

How are you talking to yourself?

3. The self-care practice(s) that helped me feel connected to myself this month was?

Which practices helped you feel grounded this month? Did you make time to meditate, take a morning walk, or try a breathwork practice? Perhaps this month was one where you felt misaligned.

4. The things I found hard this month were…

What felt sticky, challenging or overwhelming?

5. The one thing I want to let go of is?

What do you need to let go of that is no longer serving you?

6. When I think about money I feel?

What emotions does money bring up for you? How is your relationship with money? Do you know the ins and outs of your accounts at the moment or do you dread checking your statements?

7. Write a F* Yeah list

Be your biggest cheerleader, what are you proud of yourself for doing? Celebrate all the wins, especially the small ones that usually pass you by.

8. My favourite activity l did this month was…?

What did you do that really lit you up? What made you feel most like you at your best? Have you made space to do more of this activity next month?

9. What can’t you stop daydreaming about?

“Inklings are gentle knowings” is one of my favourite quotes by writer Frank + Feel. What are your daydreams whispering to you?

10. The self-care practice(s) that helped me feel connected to myself this month was?

Let go of the urge to create a to-do list here but instead, focus on the emotions you most want to connect with next month.

Once you have finished answering these questions take some time to read back through your answers.  What things came up for you and how can you use these answers to shape the month ahead.  Where do you need to create more space to do the tasks that really light you up? What boundaries do you need to establish?  What are you excited to do more of?

To help you set your intentions why not try creating a vision board inspired by your answers. Need help getting started?

Join me for my create an intention board workshop. I’ll show you how you can use techniques such as journaling and mind mapping to creatively set goals that align fully with your values.


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