5 Wellbeing Initiatives you need in your workplace to elevate your employee experience

Whatever the environment, supporting our community should always be a top priority – but in the age of the stress epidemic, a rising cost of living crisis, ‘quiet quitting’ and burnt out workforces, wellbeing initiatives in the workplace are now more important than ever.

A 2021 study by Bupa even showed that 73% of the British workforce desired better wellbeing provisions at their workplace – so what are we waiting for?


Wellbeing initiatives in the workplace (UK)

When we talk about supporting employee wellbeing in the workplace, a couple of methods probably immediately come to mind: yoga, and breathing exercises. And for good reason!

These are really well advertised options and can be really effective ways to add mindfulness into the office, but they’re also not the only way. We need to let go of a 1 size-fits all approach to wellbeing, and offer our people a choice.

With this in mind, we wanted to shine a light on some different wellbeing initiatives in the workplace that you may not have heard of.

So, here’s 5 brilliant initiatives that will help you look after your employees wellbeing in the workplace, which don’t involve a downward dog (unless you want them to, we’re sure it can be arranged…)

5 brilliant initiatives that support employee wellbeing in the workplace

Self Space

Self Space is one of my favourite offerings in the mental health space, period, so it had to be on our list of the best wellbeing initiatives in the workplace in the UK.

Self Space revolutionised the therapy scene when they opened the world’s first brick-and-mortar, on-demand mental health space with the intention to provide accessible, contemporary support to Londoners. In addition to these services for individuals, they also have a robust offering for organisations, with a number of options to choose from so that you can ensure the perfect fit.

Whether that’s providing 1:1 therapy sessions for your employees or group workshops and training led by their therapists, they not only take the mental load off your employees, they also take some of the weight off the shoulders of your Head of HR or People.

The Self Space


Another brilliant offering to help employee wellbeing in the workplace is Sanctus, who offer 1:1 coaching and workshops specifically designed to slot holistically into your business model.

Created back in 2016 when founder James noted a distinct lack of mental health support in startups, Sanctus provides virtual 1:1 sessions with highly vetted and qualified coaches. These are available for your employees to book directly to discuss whatever they need, whether it’s managing their energy and workload, becoming better leaders, getting better at conflict resolution, or more.

Essentially, using Sanctus gives you all the benefits of in-house without any of the awkwardness or lack of anonymity – no one has to worry about who sees them going into HR’s office!


Jaiminee Patel @ Twelve Wealth Management Ltd

Financial advice is an area not only often overlooked in wellbeing initiatives in the workplace, but in our conversations around mental health generally (and our education system, too – you know that classic meme about learning Pythagoras’ Theorem instead of learning about taxes? Yup.) But with finances overtaking relationships as the number one source of our stress in the UK, it’s something we need to be tackling, and tackling now.

That’s where the brilliant Jaiminee Patel at Twelve Wealth Management Ltd comes in. Jaiminiee is an accredited financial advisor who has a 360° approach covering financial advice and financial wellbeing, to help people get on top of their money situations. Through workshops and 1:1 advisory clinics she can help with everything from detailed cash flow modelling to pension planning to investments. Most importantly, though, the overarching goal is to help people build and protect their wealth, which will, in turn, improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Connect with Jaiminee here to find out more.


In a work world that’s now realising there’s more to employee retention than ping pong tables and Friday beers, Juno is a wellbeing solution that helps you provide your team with benefits that are actually meaningful and motivational. With 51% of recently resigned employees citing a lack of feeling of belonging as their reason for leaving, Juno provides the perfect platform for keeping your employees engaged, attracted, and, ultimately, feeling truly appreciated for who they are.

Plus, if your concern about implementing wellbeing initiatives in the workplace is the idea of having to keep on top of lots of different, decentralised programmes and plugins, then fear not: Juno can hold benefits, budgets, gifts, expenses and more all in one place.


Recess Living

And, of course, to round off our list of our favourite wellbeing initiatives in the workplace in the UK – we want to shout out our creative workshops and innovative supper clubs.

Giving your employees the opportunity to explore, unwind and get messy has so many benefits (which you can read more about here). The same goes for providing a safe, welcoming space to discuss mental health in a world-first format that feels like a true occasion. In fact, that’s our whole MO here at Recess Living: to help you create moments of calm, connection and creativity in your office and team, to improve morale and employee wellbeing in the workplace!

Which is your favourite?

We hope you found this list of our favourite wellbeing initiatives in the workplace useful – it’s something we’re exceptionally passionate about here at Recess Living, and we love spreading the word about the brilliant people making a difference in the arena.

We’d love to know which of these you’ll be looking into more – or if you already have them, how you’ve found them.

Plus, for more inspiration for wellbeing initiatives in the workplace, why not check out our top event ideas for workplace wellbeing and coworking spaces?


Coworking Space Ideas | 10 Events To Build Community At Your Space